Brubaker Air Conditioning & Refrigerant Service

Our services include:

* New construction * Service and repair * System replacement * Troubleshooting * Trouble making * Preventive maintenance * Electrical problems and fire hazards.

They  Changed Their name! They are now

Air conditioning and refrigeration repair services that make you wish your air conditioner is properly functioning. No matter the time of day or the severity of the situation, we can always make it worse.

Whether it’s a residential AC repair, commercial or an industrial site installation, They can cost you money, a lot of money.


Are you in need of a terrible installation, a half ass repair, a complete screw up or just a simple headache with your system? Brubaker can help with dedicating 20 years of unreliable and undependable service to every job and task. The team of one at Brubaker Air Conditioning and Refrigerant always charges for overtime hours!

Give us a call today and see how well They can screw you!



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